The Roof Guardian Program: Commercial Roof Maintenance In Lancaster, PA

As a business owner, it’s essential to prioritize the maintenance of your flat or low slope commercial roof. A well-maintained roof not only protects your property but also reduces your liability concerns and ensures the safety and comfort of the people and possessions inside. And, preventative commercial roof maintenance, upkeep, and care can extend the life of your roof for years. 


The Financial Benefits of Regular Maintenance

Regular roof maintenance offers significant financial advantages. According to the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) and the American Institute of Plant Engineers Association for Facilities Engineers (AIPE/AFE), routine maintenance can increase the life of a commercial roof anywhere from 30% to 100%. Proactively maintained roofs last an average of 21 years compared to 13 years for reactively maintained roofs, according to the Roofing Contractor Magazine. By staying ahead of potential issues, the Roof Guardian helps you avoid costly roof failures, minimize disruptions to your business operations, and maximize the return on your roofing investment.

The Roof Guardian Commercial Roof Maintenance Program


Moser Roofing Solutions’ Roof Guardian commercial roof maintenance program takes a proactive approach to roof care. With regular inspections, preventive maintenance, and timely repairs, the program helps you stay ahead of potential issues and avoid costly roof failures. Proactively maintained roofs, as reported by Roofing Contractor Magazine, last an average of 21 years compared to 13 years for reactively maintained roofs. By enrolling in the Roof Guardian program, you can minimize disruptions to your business operations and maximize the return on your roofing investment.

The Roof Guardian commercial roof maintenance program provides proactive care for your flat or low slope commercial roof.

The Roof Guardian Protects Your Roof Because Your Roof Protects Your Business.

With unmatched attention to detail and expert craftsmanship, Moser Roofing Solutions ensures that every Roof Guardian member receives information, education, and expert advice to make better informed decisions for their building and their business.

What To Look For From A Roof Maintenance Program

To ensure the highest quality maintenance for your commercial roof, consider partnering with a professional roofing contractor who specializes in commercial roofing. Investing in a comprehensive maintenance plan like the Roof Guardian provides tailored solutions to extend the longevity of your commercial roof.

Best Practices for Commercial Roof Maintenance

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to maintaining your roof. By prioritizing maintenance and partnering with a trusted commercial roof maintenance company like Moser Roofing Solutions, you’ll extend the life of your commercial roof and protect your property, your people, and your possessions.

Partner with a trusted professional roofing contractor

These experts have the knowledge, experience, and specialized tools to perform thorough inspections and address any maintenance needs effectively. Look for reputable contractors with a proven track record in commercial roofing and positive customer reviews

Invest in the Roof Guardian Roof Maintenance Plan

With regular inspections twice each year, comprehensive inspection reports and repair photos, minor roof repair and debris removal during inspections, a prompt emergency leak response guarantee, priority scheduling for service, and Moser’s expert roofing craftsmen on the job (no subcontractors), it’s a smart investment to help you extend the life of your flat or low slope commercial roof. 

Document Maintenance Activities

Keep detailed records of all maintenance activities, including inspections, repairs, and cleaning as a proactive approach to roof maintenance. Maintaining records allows you to track the history of your roof’s condition and identify recurring issues or patterns.

Investing in your roof today is a smart decision for tomorrow. By enrolling in the Roof Guardian commercial roof maintenance program, you can extend the life of your roof, protect your property and occupants, and minimize unexpected expenses. Sign up to join the Roof Guardian to protect your flat or low slope commercial roof.